Southern charm abounds in the city of Charleston, my mom’s adopted home and a place that you can’t help but feel at home in, no matter where you’re from. Car horns are considered rude, people are as sweet as the tea they serve, the smell of fresh pralines is wafting on every breeze, and horse and buggies rival cars on every road and thoroughfare. The sight of Rainbow Row enchanted me, the smell of the azaleas was mesmerizing, the sound of the waves crashing calmed my soul, and the touch of Spanish moss on a plantation transformed me to another time and place. Charleston is about beautiful architecture, lovely and welcoming people, great southern food, deep and complicated history and “the war of Northern aggression”. It’s about the Ravenel Bridge, it’s about the Charleston Storytelling Festival, it’s about the dark history of the Slave Market and the bright cheeriness of the Pink House staring at each other across a cobblestone street. It’s about the nautical charm of Sullivan’s Island and the lively atmosphere of Shem Creek at sunset. It’s ice cream and sweets shops, it’s sweetgrass basket making on every corner, it’s tall grasses and palm trees and southern accents and southern BBQ, it’s pastel colors and proud flags and a more relaxed way of life.