Baby Bartkow
On Saturday we had the baby shower for my best friend Jenn, whose wedding I was a bridesmaid for in 2010! Jenn is due exactly 9 months and 1 day after her wedding... hmmmmm :) Anyways, the baby shower was at the Mockingbird in East Bridgewater and it's always good to go back to that area where I went to school, especially when I get to the spend the day with college friends and Jenn and Dave's families, who I adore to pieces. It was a beautiful shower and we had a lot of fun.
After the shower, a bunch of us headed back to Jenn and Dave's to hang out and eat (again). When everyone cleared out, Jenn and I started putting all the baby's new stuff away in the beautiful nursery Jenn painted. As we organized stuff and talked, an unexpected conversation came up that threw me for a loop. I can say that it's something I will never talk about again after the other night, especially since it lead to a watershow of tears on my part. As we talked, I cried and Jenn just listened. And after a few minutes, we were hugging and I was literally crying on her shoulder (sorry Jenn). A few minutes went by, and a couple of times during the hug, I tried to let go, and Jenn just kept squeezing me, not letting me go, hugging me until I literally couldn't cry any more. I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Later on as I was laying on the couch trying to fall asleep, I thought a lot about the day, and mostly thought about what incredible parents Jenn and Dave are going to make. I know because they make incredible friends. I can honestly say that some of my favorite times I have ever had with friends is just sitting with the two of them at their kitchen table, talking about anything and everything and feeling right at home, especially when we're "in the trust tree, with the nest"... :) And if Jenn and Dave approach parenthood the way they approach friendship and family, I know they will be amazing at it. They will support each other completely, make their family laugh through tears, and hug their kids through the hard times, no matter how much they try to let go.
We did these pictures on Sunday morning. Maternity shoots are hard for me, especially in the wintertime... it was way too cold to go outside for more than 5 minutes, so we did most of the pictures in the baby's nursery.
Jenn and Dave are waiting until the delivery to find out if it's a boy or a girl, so a friend of theirs got them pacifiers with each name they picked out on them! Too cute...
Of course this baby is going to be a huge Sox fan...
And a huge Pats fan...
Jenn did the whole nursery in a doctor Seuss theme and did an amazing job painting it!
We had a little company for the pictures... oh hey Fred!
My favorite.