William and Angela
Rolling right along... can you stand it? Two blog posts in two days? I always do this... I go through long periods of not blogging at all, and then I am like a blogging animal. A BLOGGING MACHINE, if you will :) I should probably try to even it out a little more... Today I wanted to share some photos from William and Angela's wedding, which I second shot for my good friend Melissa Deschamp. I was lucky to be with her on a lot of great weddings this summer, especially because she's very understanding when ridiculous things happen to me... which is ALL THE TIME. At this wedding, for instance, my car died at the church, and I had to jump in with Melissa, and then take the world's most expensive cab ride from Dorchester to Newton at 11:00 pm to meet my friend's husband (thank you again Dave!!) and the tow truck guy, who towed me from Newton to West Springfield. I mean, seriously... how is this my life. But sadly, it is :)
Anyways, despite the car debacle, William and Angela's wedding was beautiful and I had a lot of fun, as I always do with Mel. We started in Newton at the church and ended at the Venezia in Dorchester. It was a great day and despite earlier TORRENTIAL downpours, we got just enough good weather to do outdoor photos with the families and Billy and Angela. Here are a few of my favorites!
Off to the Venezia...
Thanks again for having me Mel, and congrats to Billy and Angela, who are expecting their first child very soon!! (see how far behind I am on blogging ;-) ) Congrats!