Galway, Ireland


Blog changes

As some of you may have been experiencing, my blog was sometimes cutting off photos on one side and many people wouldn't see the whole picture.  I've been working with my IT genius Adam Warner, and coming in the winter you may notice some changes to the blog.  I will actually be working with Adam in the next few months to build a new website, something even more professional that I can have slideshows on, maybe online proofing, andddddd (drumroll please) a pricing list.  Yes, that's right.  I may actually start charging people.  Maybe ;-)    I'm hoping to have the new website completed by the late winter, but for now, please take notice of the awesome feedburner Adam installed.  If you look to the right, you'll see a place to enter your e-mail address.  Doing this means you will automatically receive an update every time I post a new blog.  And don't worry if you're concerned about stalking me... there's no way for me to know who subscribes :)  Also, Adam added a tab to Contact Me in the upper right hand corner of the blog, in case you didn't actually want to read the boring life story that takes up the About Me section. Oh, what's that?  You said you want more pictures of the cutest puppy ever?  Well, don't mind if I do....

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