Galway, Ireland


Sunday drive

After yesterday's horrific weather, I was ecstatic to wake up this morning to a beautiful fall day, the kind that's only been happening lately on a weekday when I am stuck behind a desk.  My plan this weekend, having no photo shoots and miraculously no friends getting married or delivering babies, was to do nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Of course, being unused to doing nothing, I spent the weekend organizing my sock drawer, baking s'mores brownies, and catching myself completely up on Grey's Anatomy (Oh.My.God.  R.I.P 007... I cried worse than Burke and Addison's departures COMBINED).  So today when I woke up I was planning on actually attempting once again to do nothing, but it was just too damn nice out.  It was the most perfect weather to take my hot '96 Ford Taurus out for a cruise, so I grabbed my camera and rolled the windows down.  Now, this is the first weekend in quite some time that every moment wasn't taken up by a shoot or an obligation of some kind, so I knew going out today that I was about a week late on peak foliage.  But I did my best and did come across a few trees that still had some color to them.  Of course, the other half of the tree was bare, so a lot of these shots are just leaves, up close and personal.  Nothing too spectacular, but I was so glad to enjoy some fresh air and do some walking today.  After those s'mores brownies, I needed it. IMG_2556

Now, I'm not really a fan of graveyard photography.  I'm sorry, but it creeps me out, and I don't find anything beautiful about photographing gravestones.  I'd rather photograph live people who can laugh and smile and interact.  I actually dropped out of a meetup group for photography because that's all the group wanted to do- photograph gravestones.  Well, not only that, but they wanted to do it at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday.  I'm sorry but a girl has her limits :)  That being said, I was driving through Williamsburg and there was this gorgeous tree still full of leaves, but it was in a cemetery.  So I broke my creepiness rule just one time and took a few pictures of the tree in the graveyard.  I didn't photograph anyheadstones (again, not my thing.... eeech) but I did shoot this because I thought the angel with the tree in the background was beautiful.


Down the road in Williamsburg...


These trees are actually right outside the Smith campus in Northampton, and their color was INSANE.





Passing through Easthampton on the way home...

